Dunkirk Dave DID NOT see his Shadow!
Early Spring Said On The Way
Dunkirk Dave predicts warmer weather after not seeing his shadow By GREG FOX – OBSERVER Staff Writer , The OBSERVER Dunkirk Dave has spoken, and it’s beginning to look a lot like spring … possibly. The area’s favorite prognosticating gr...
‘Sidewinding’ her way into many hearts
There aren't many people in Chautauqua County who haven't heard of Dunkirk Dave, Bob Will's famous groundhog. Dunkirk Dave, whose non-stage name is Sidewinder, is a docile female groundhog with a unique story. That story was recently immortalized in the book "...
Who’s Tom’s Favorite Groundhog?
Who is Tom Niziol's favorite groundhog of all? Check out what this Weather Channel expert has to say!
Local News
ChautauquaToday.Com reports that Dunkirk Dave had about 35 visitors this morning. Oh! And hey, you can hear an audio clip of Bob Will reporting on Dave’s prediction!
Dunkirk Dave on The Weather Channel!
Dunkirk Dave was fortunate enough to get a mention on The Weather Channel this Groundhog’s Day! Dave was ranked #4 in the line up of 11 prognosticating groundhogs for 2013!! Click here to watch the video! Click here to view the image!